Cosmetic Grade Resveratrol Bulk Resveratrol 99%

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Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant that reduces blood viscosity, inhibits platelet aggregation and vasodilation, keeps blood flowing, prevents cancer from developing and developing, has anti-atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, ischemic Heart dis

Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant that reduces blood viscosity, inhibits platelet aggregation and vasodilation, keeps blood flowing, prevents cancer from developing and developing, has anti-atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, ischemic Heart disease, high blood lipids prevention and treatment. The role of inhibiting tumors also has an estrogen-like effect and can be used to treat diseases such as breast cancer. It can delay aging, prevent cancer, and is high in red grape skin, red wine and grape juice. Studies have shown that the integrity of chromosomes is destroyed by human aging, and resveratrol can activate a protein sirtuin that repairs chromosome health, thereby delaying aging.



Items Standards Results
Physical Analysis
Description White Fine Powder Complies
Assay 98% 98.12%
Mesh Size 100 % pass 80 mesh Complies
Ash ≤ 5.0% 2.85%
Loss on Drying ≤ 5.0% 2.85%
Chemical Analysis
Heavy Metal ≤ 10.0 mg/kg Complies
Pb ≤ 2.0 mg/kg Complies
As ≤ 1.0 mg/kg Complies
Hg ≤ 0.1 mg/kg Complies
Microbiological Analysis
Residue of Pesticide Negative Negative
Total Plate Count ≤ 1000cfu/g Complies
Yeast&Mold ≤ 100cfu/g Complies
E.coil Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative

* Resveratrol protecting the heart and circulatory system, lowering cholesterol, and protecting against clots which can cause heart attacks and stroke.
* Resveratrol protects a cell’s DNA. It is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can help prevent cell damage caused by free
radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms caused by pollution, sunlight and our bodies natural burning of fat that can lead to cancer, aging and brain degeneration.
* Lowering cholesterin and the blood viscosity, reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis, cardio-cerebrovascular disease and heart disease.
* Anti-virus and accommodate immunity, inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus catarrhalis, Bacillus coli, aeruginosus Bacillus, have better inhibit action with Orphan virus, Fever blisters virus, enteric virus and Kesaqi virus.

* Applied in food field, it is mainly used as dietary supplements.
* Applied in cosmetic field, it is mainly used to whitening, anti-wrinkle and anti-oxidation.
* Applied in inmedicine and health products,it is made into capsules to Anti-cancer,Anti-bacterial,anti-fungal,Nourish and
protect liver,Impact on the metabolism of osseous issue and Effect on cardiovascular system.


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