Sakae Naa Extract/Combretum Quadrangulare Extract Powder

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Prodcut name: Combretum Quadrangulare Extract Latin Name: Combretum quadrangulare Appearance: Brown to yellow powder Grade: Food and Beverage, Test Method: UV & TLC

Product Description

Product name: Combretum Quadrangulare Extract

Latin Name: Combretum quadrangulare

Appearance: Brown to yellow powder

Grade: Food and Beverage,

Test Method: UV & TLC

Combretum Quadrangulare, known locally as Sakae Naa, is a well-kept herbal secret that we are proud to be able to share with you. Combretum grows wild in areas including Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos, and it has stayed largely within those borders even in this inter-connected modern world. It would seem that we would already know about all the interesting plants by now. But even where it grows, it is usually not sold at market. Its use seems to be relegated to the select few who collect or grow it. As it has extended beyond those initial boundaries, combretum has been marketed as a mood enhancer and pain herb. Combretum appears to have anti-microbial properties and has been traditionally used against venereal disease. Sakea Naa contains combretol and gallic acid.

Product Function


1. Treating cold, sore throat and mild pain relief, antibacterial, anti – inflammatory.

2. Making people energetic and calm.

3. In Thailand and Myanmar Combretum quadrangulare is used as an energy booster.


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