Berberine Hydrochloride Hcl Extract Powder

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Product Name: Berberine Hydrochloride

CAS number: 633-65-8

Specification: 95%min

Chemical formular: C20H18CN4

Molecular weight: 371.81


Product Description

Product Name: Berberine Hydrochloride

CAS number: 633-65-8

Specification: 95%min

Chemical formular: C20H18CN4

Molecular weight: 371.81


Berberine Hydrochloride is an alkaloid derived from goldthread, bark of cork tree and other plants.
It can be also synthesized in artificial method. It is used as raw material to make preparations,
which are usually administered the treatment of intestinal infections and bacillary dysentery.
Recently usage of anti-arrhythmic was found .Berberine Hydrochloride has effect on intestinal infections, bacillary dysentery.


Product Function

1. Berberine is used for damp-heat syndrome of the large intestine manifested as diarrhea, dysenteryand tenesmus.

2. Berberine is used for acute febrile diseases with exces-sive pathogenic fire and heat manifested ashigh fever, dysphoria,unconsciousness anddelirium.

3. Berberine is used for suppurative infections on the body surface, such as sores, carbuncles, furuncles and boils, septicemia induced by furuncu-losis, swellings and pain in the ears and eyes, canker sores in the mouth, exudative skin infections andpruritus.

Product Application


1. This product has recently found that anti-arrhythmic effect. Berberine on hemolytic streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Freund, Shigella dysenteriae have antibacterial effect, and enhances white blood cell phagocytosis.

2. Berberine hydrochloride (commonly known as berberine) has been widely used to treat gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery and so on, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, acute tonsillitis and respiratory infections also have a certain effect.


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